
Autumn Series: Yellow and Orange

The yellow shades and hues are almost gone in this part of the world, but it’s still vibrant here in my photos from a couple of weeks ago. This is part three of my autumn post series.

Yellow leaves bring an illusion of sunlight, a tiny thought of “what if the trees always looked like this?” and “maybe there are fairies around here somewhere?”

Happy weekend!

62 replies on “Autumn Series: Yellow and Orange”

Well, after this it’s 7 long months of no leaves at all, just grey, black and brown. Rain and wind. I would gladly take green and some palm trees 😁 Autumn is such a brief moment, blink and you miss it entirely. Thanks for commenting and enjoy your weekend! 😉


What is that little (big maybe?) house way back in the golden woods? I’d live there. Or in that birdhouse. I like your fairy inkling 🙂

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That birdhouse would make for a cozy home, I’m sure, were we fairy-sized (maybe in our next lives??) 😉 There are two wooden houses in these pics, they are both old villas. One of them is falling apart, rotten and uncared for (sadly – the story involves the City Council somehow – some permit or other lacking, not sure of the details), and the other is part of a cafe with art for sale.

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Thanks Edwin! Well, you know, I would gladly swap 4 seasons for the tropics! I’m a 100% summer, sun, and sea kind of girl. Our four seasons are: a very short autumn (2-3 weeks), a very long, dark winter (7 months), a short spring which means the snow melts and the ground is muddy and I get pollen allergy and am sick for weeks, and a short cold summer with cloudy skies and rain 😀 Hehee. But I know that the tropics have their downsides too – humidity and constant heat. At least you have beautiful flowers and greenery all year round!

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Ohh, what beauty! That street art fits right in. I think if they looked like this all the time, they would bring you only a quarter of this joy that they bring you now. Which is to say: it’s just right how it is. 🙂 If, for example, they only looked like this once in 10 years! Imagine that! 😉

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