Finland Photography

Gone With the Sea Breeze

Going, going, gone

Going, going, gone
Eyes wide open at dawn

Breakfast, lunch, snack
And then I need to pack

Wash, clean, fold
It’s all getting a bit old

Let’s find some sand
To run through my hand

Let’s be free and get away
Summer might last only a day

Going, going, gone
A lazy kind of yawn

The moment is now –
I’m remembering how

23 replies on “Gone With the Sea Breeze”

How sunny your day and mind and pictures are ! I love it. (And b.t.w, what glorious looking beach you got. (I presume you did’nt leave your country (?) ) I wish I was a dragonfly, and hover to the sand/hoping this day will never end/the moment is now, wise words those are/but lets pretend tomorrow is far. 🙂

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Your lovely poem brought a big smile on my face, and it’s not the first time you’ve come up with a spontaneous poem in a comment! Thank you, Peter! And no, we didn’t leave our country, but traveled to a well-known beach we had never visited before. There are only a few beaches like this over here, long and with real sand. It was super shallow and so great for kids, too

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Beautiful finish with the last couplet and the last photo. ❤ Looks like a giant toy! And I really love the first one too.

Something funny happened today. I had my password renewed and the woman needed to take my fingertips and she complimented me on my nicely visible fingertips. 😀 Clearly I'm not cleaning much, she said. And we laughed and we laughed.

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Thank you for taking us along in your sweet escapade…lovely photos! and my daughter would love to catch that Dragonfly…in German we called it “Libelle” .
i´ve seen only few, bur bees and butterflies are many.
May seemed like repetitive cycle but hey–going, going, and gone is not bad:-))) I was reading it out loud and kinda enjoyed it! could be a nice caption in your summer getaway photobook!
Enjoy the sun and lots of memories!

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