Photo Challenge Photography

Friendly Friday: Fake

Welcome to the Friendly Friday photo challenge, hosted right here by me!

My little summer break is over – my helpful blogging buddy Manja did an excellent job co-hosting the challenge, and hopefully she’ll do it again sometime. Thank you, dear friend!

Today, I was thinking about the word Fake.

There are so many ways to interpret it. The connotation is negative, but does it have to be? Fake nails can look pretty, and what’s the harm?

I decided to try a starlight filter on a fairly boring photo I had of a building – the effect looks fake, unreal, but I kind of like it.

It makes me think of story time just before going to bed. The stars look like they are about to pour in through the windows – maybe the stories are pulling them in!

I’m not a photography purist but I know many people are quite opinionated about heavy photo editing. Well, here is your chance to do it with permission – let’s be fake this Friday!

If you’re not into the idea of photo editing, there are other ways to interpret the theme. You could, for instance, post photos of plastic flowers, the contents of your makeup bag, or even a tofu burger. The options are unlimited!

Feel free to bend the rules and interpret this challenge any way you like! I’m looking forward to seeing it.

Created with Adobe Spark

How to participate:

  • Create a post responding to the theme, Fake
  • Link that post to this one with a pingback
  • Add a comment at the end of this post, introducing your take on the theme
  • Check out some of the other entries!


  • You’re welcome to use our logo if you want
  • Tag the post Friendly Friday in WordPress so it can be easily found

Next Friday, it’ll be Amanda’s turn to host the challenge again.

Hope you’ll join in this week! Happy Friday!

48 replies on “Friendly Friday: Fake”

Gorgeous photo and I love the thought of stars and story time! I’m listening to a book where there is a reference to a cup with stars at the bottom, so when the child drinks her milk, she will be rewarded by seeing the stars when the milk is finished 🙂 Would love a cup like that!

Liked by 2 people

Looking forward to your link! 😊 Hope you learn what you need and get unexpected ideas from your class! I got a crash course from my brother but I mostly use Adobe CC’s mobile apps now, they are way easier to use! 😁 If you don’t need the storage LR offers.

Liked by 1 person

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