
Italian Sweet Tooth

“One flavor is for enjoying, the other for exploring” – A wise quote from my friend, as we indulged in apricot-and-chocolate flavored artisan gelato in Genova.

One flavor is for enjoying, the other for exploring

A wise quote from my friend, as we indulged in apricot-and-chocolate flavored artisan gelato in Genoa. The woman at the ice cream shop told us the apricots she’d used in the gelato had been hand-picked from her mother’s garden and I believed her: it tasted amazing. I’d never had apricot ice cream before and now the bar was set high. The deliciously rich chocolate flavor was milkless (vegan, I think she said).

Sometimes, a good ice cream is all you need.

Color, color, color
Apricot and chocolate gelato in Genoa – delicious!
A beachy ice cream sign in Cinque Terre – indulge with style!
The idea of taking photos of these parasols also came from my friend
We didn’t try the ice cream here but I liked the poster

42 replies on “Italian Sweet Tooth”

Really good ice cream is my greatest weakness and indulgence. In Italy we frequently had it twice a day. We loved Cinque Terre. That apricot ice-cream sounds amazing. Some of the best ice cream I’ve had was pineapple ice cram at the Dole Plantation in Hawaii. Love the photos of the parasols!

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