Hawaii Photography

Remember That Feeling of Having Just Arrived?

…someplace new? Happy, jet-lagged, thrilled, disoriented. Planning for the next day, when everything still lies ahead, every adventure is still possible. Probable even!

Wondering what your photo album will look like after your trip.

Waikiki, Hawaii 2010

Far away in the horizon, surfers have gathered to wait for a wave. For them, this is a normal evening.

In response to the Daily Post’s photo challenge

28 replies on “Remember That Feeling of Having Just Arrived?”

I think I’d be very content to sit on a lovely beach after a beautiful day, waiting for a wave! It certainly beats the grey, miserable days here in the UK right now. Though, to be fair, the sun has peeped out for a while these past few days, That is a wonderful photo!

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I would dearly love to visit Finland in mid-winter. I was watching a documentary about an English woman who married a Swedish man and lived in the far north and bred huskies. She said she wouldn’t change her life for the world. The snow and the winter landscape looked amazing – a real winter wonderland. I imagine northern Finland would look the same. We’re having a weird winter here. It’s far too warm. The night-time temperature last night was 15C! It’s because it’s too cloudy and temps don’t have chance to drop at night. It’s not at all Christmassy! Anyway, winter’s always a good time for travel nostalgia and I’m sure you have lots of places still to show us. 🙂 Got to dash. More Christmas shopping to do! Ugh! 🙂

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We have the same weird weather here, which is actually going to be my next post’s theme 🙂 Too warm for snow, so it’s just dark. Today, the day’s length is 5 h 49 min in Helsinki (=daylight hours) and in Lapland the sun doesn’t rise at all (day’s length: 0 hours). It’s fine for a short visit but to spend 7 months in the dark year after year…. hmm. Would rather live somewhere sunny. Well, no place is perfect 🙂 Have fun Xmas shopping! I also have so many things to do, really must close my computer now! (I keep meaning to, then look at “just one more post…”) Have a good weekend!

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Lucky you, you get to go there soon 🙂 For me, no idea when my next break from work is and if I’ll get a chance to see sunshine in 2016, hope so! 🙂 It’s been very grey and rainy here, too. I’m looking forward to your Hawaii posts in a while to cheer me up!

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