Travel Quote

Quotes, Day One: The Concept of Beauty Is Individual

The talented author of an almost finished Viking trilogy, Millie Thom, nominated me for a three-day quote challenge. I accepted, because I love quotes as much as anyone else. Thanks, Millie, for thinking of me!

The problem with quote challenges is, there are so many quotes to choose from! Do I choose the obvious ones that everyone’s already heard? Or do I choose quotes that matter to me, but which might not be easily interpreted by others who can’t see inside my brain?

Barber Shop sign, Curaçao 2012

I’m going to go for the quote that stuck with me.

My first quote for this challenge is by the blogger Manja Maksimovič. I read it in June in a post of hers and it made such an impression that I still remember it. Manja’s writing is very interesting: thoughtful and heartfelt. She does her own thing, not looking for popular topics and “likes” – though she’s more than worthy of liking!

The line that I remember is from a post of hers called Hair Stories. Manja is talking about a hairdresser styling her hair in a way she wouldn’t do herself (which happens to me every time I go to the hair dresser’s!)

She makes you look like her because to her that is pretty

I think what I like so much about this quote is the acceptance of individuality. We are all different and perceive the world in different ways. A lot of times we don’t accept it when others see things differently than we do. We want everyone to have the same opinions and beliefs as us; the same definitions of beauty, values and of what’s right and wrong.

Maybe I’m reading too much into this sentence about a hairdresser’s visit, but that’s what I like about it: it gives my mind wings. And that’s what a good quote is about. Thanks, MM, for the inspiration!

I’m supposed to nominate three people for this challenge but I’d rather do an open invitation. So if any of you guys reading feel like doing this challenge and haven’t been nominated yet, this nomination is for you! Please feel free to join in!

18 replies on “Quotes, Day One: The Concept of Beauty Is Individual”

The hairdresser quote certainly made me smile when I first read it, and even more so as i thought about it in relation to my own experiences with hairdressers. I loathe going to hairdressers. I can’t say they always make me look like themselves – there’s always a big diference in our ages, for a start. Yet I never come out of those places feeling as though I’ve got the style I envisioned, and carefully described to said hairdresser, when I went in. Yes, as you say, it’s all about individuality. Our view of what would look good on us obviously isn’t what the hairdresser sees. How well that idea can be extended to include issues, beliefs and opinions about most things in life. We are all different – and what a good thing, too. It would be a very strange world if we were all the same. Our own uniqueness/individuality is great!
Thanks, Snowsomewhere, for accepting the challenge. An interesting and thought-provoking first quote.


Thanks Millie! And I know what you mean: I always get styled in the most bizarre ways at the hairdresser’s! I keep going to a different one next time but they all seem to have different views of how to style my hair than I do. These little things just reflect what else is different in our minds – and yes, it’s a good thing of course that we’re all different! 🙂 Thanks for nominating me!


Ahhhh! 🙂 Not only am I NOT being nominated (which would cause a bit of anxiety), but you have chosen to quote me! I’m truly honoured and grinning. Thank you, girl!!! I love it what you’ve gathered from my words and that they have remained with you. ❤ Always welcome around here. I can see that we share quite a few important life realisations.

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Food for thought is always a good thing I believe! Maybe the hairdressers are on to something. Could it be that so many of us are self-critical, which prevents us from sometimes taking a fresh and different look at ourselves?
Next time I get a haircut, I will explore this topic with Bebe, who always does a fabulous job with my hair!

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The question is what “fresh and different” means to another, especially a fashion-crazed professional. In many cases it’s not an improvement. After writing this piece I had my first experience with an Italian hair-stylist. I was in awe. Not only he did it very fast amid noises, screaming, tearing down a curtain, telling off an apprentice, but also he truly got me. The only question he had beforehand was if I liked it smooth or messy. Nothing smooth about me. 😀 Here it is.

SL-WEEK 2: Red

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An interesting quote and explanation. i have had unwelcome surprise haircuts from hairdressers too in the past so now I take in a photo/ picture if I’m intent on getting a specific style. Everyone interprets things differently according to their individuality as you inferred. As it is with the concept of beauty. And what that means. Beauty is in the eye of tge beholder. I am also doing the quotes challenge so I’ll comment more later.

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I love this post and your interpretation of the quote. The concept of beauty is so individual and that’s the lovely thing. Is there anyone who doesn’t go home and ‘fix’ the new hair style that has been created. I have only ever had one hairdresser in my life in NZ who literally did it all so perfectly me, that I felt like ME but a better version when I left. No fixing required. She never made me look like her interestingly 😉

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