Nostalgia Photography


I don’t know why, but the umbrellas surprised me more.

The photo was from 1904 and everyone was wearing black. There were several horse carriages clopping along the familiar street where we had waited at traffic lights just yesterday. I let my skin feel the rain and my ears hear the street’s echoes.

They already had umbrellas and street lights. I recalled the story of how a small Finnish town had been the 5th in Europe to have electrical lights in 1882, thanks to a British industrialist pioneer. I don’t know why, but the umbrellas surprised me more. They looked exactly the same as today, but the people carrying them looked so different.

That building isn’t there anymore. I couldn’t tell which side of the park they were on, it could’ve been south or north.

The next photo was of a cute girl who had fallen asleep doing homework. She looked about six and the year was 1925. I did the math and yes, she could still be alive, a healthy centenarian with a lifetime of memories behind those eyes in that face that still held onto chubby baby cheeks.

Or maybe she is long gone. Whichever the case, that child only inhabited a short moment in time.

The next photo is of a strikingly beautiful young woman. I try to envision her as an old woman: how would those features change? That sharp nose would still be the same. Perhaps she kept the hair style of her youth, held onto it like it could stop the years.

Then I move on to a section of pictorialist portraits, where the editing process was intentional and visible. Erasing color, adding oil paint, they were editing photos into art already 100 years ago.

I’m drawn out of my reverie by The Block. The editor has decided my link must be underlined. I disagree and learn how to fix it in the source code editor.

The block editor is teaching me to code. I’m back in 2022.

52 replies on “Years”

I honestly never thought about the fact that I umbrellas haven’t changed much in that many years! I think that it gives me a sense of peace to know that there are some constants in the world we live in. Beautifully written, that first paragraph really knocked it out of the park 💪🏻

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One of the people I follow here on WordPress is emptying his mothers house now she has to live in a nursing home. He finds boxes full of old photographs, some of wich he posts on his page. I don’t know those people, still It’s wonderful, the clothes, hair, glasses (!), the way they look into the lens. There is this website on Youtube called Mystery Scoop. With a.i. they bring long gone folks to life, add colour, making them smile. And sometimes making them older too in a believable way. It’s often on the brink of eerie but also fascinating.

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I love old photos, too, and especially ones with people. I’ll stare at them and wonder about them. Like you said, the clothing and the details, their poses and sometimes very solemn expressions, they all intrigue me. And that fact that these people no longer exist. I’ll look up Mystery Scoop!

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I was a little confused because I saw a photo of coffee art and then you start talking about umbrellas…

Looking at old photos can definitely be fun – trying to guess where these people are right now, etc. I almost saw the pictures with you. Even if I didn’t see them with my eyes.

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Heheh, it’s a bit of a running joke (between me and my blog) that my photos actually never have anything to do with the text. Sometimes I even write it in the caption. Sorry for the confusion! Now I wish I had photoshopped the little coffee swirls into umbrellas!!!

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Usually, your photos are intervowen into a text. This time – aside from the featured image – there were no images. And you usually write about things not related to photos. So, that’s why this was a bit different for me. Coffee swirls on umbrellas seem like a great idea!

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Very nice observations and congratulations on dabbling with the code editor. I have not yet been brave enough to go there.
Your first paragraph reminded me of an old photo my brother sent me. In it, three top-hatted gentlemen are riding in a carriage guided by two top-hatted drivers. Alongside the carriage, a man is running while holding out his cap, clearly hoping for a few coins to be dropped in. But the remarkable thing about the photo is that one of the men in the carriage is George V, King of England at the time! Imagine doing something like that these days. You’d be machine-gunned down before you got within 50 feet.

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I know you’re too close to Russia for comfort. I also know how Finland “played” the “big bear” with subtlety for so many years to stay in peace.
But now? We’re going to spend billions and billions in war and equipment which will eventually be destroyed or thrown away, and then what? Bury our dead, and start to re-build?
Something is definitely very wrong with the human race…

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Replying to this thread from last week where you said “Stalin is back”. I just read an interview of a 95-year-old Finn who said she’d had a feeling this kind of war was coming, because these recent times had started to remind her of the time between the 1st and 2nd World War (her childhood). She said she had felt “an echo from the past”.

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This old lady is right. 95? That’s almost a century… And most of those who remember are either gone or no longer in power…
And as far as P*tin is concerned, he has never known democracy. He was born in the 50’s, was educated under Stalin and Krusctchov, and Brejnev. He thinks it’s normal.

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