Blogging Photography

Bricks and Yellow Light

There’s a strong breeze, but today it’s soft and not stinging

There’s a strong breeze, but today it’s soft and not stinging.

Colours have popped and red leaves are competing with yellow. Some are still green, as if contemplating which way to go.

The sun comes from a 45 degree angle, shining in your eyes, and its hue is that of an afternoon sun, no matter the time of day.

Some autumn moments feel more summery than summer did.

One day felt especially much like spring: I kept having the feeling that warmth was just around the corner, though in fact it’s already tiptoed out the back door.

Yellow tones, red-brown bricks. I love brick buildings. They have a cozy, reassuring look.

Bee-like insects, caterpillars, and so many spiders. Where did they all come from? The spiders explain why I haven’t seen many flies all summer.

Passers-by wearing shorts, seizing the last chance to dress lightly, and others wearing light down jackets.

The sea isn’t frozen yet, so it sparkles in the distance, like a treasure chest of diamonds.

The colours will only last a short while, this is the moment to notice them and enjoy.

Last winter, we had no snow and my three-year-olds likely don’t remember their snow experiences from the winter when they were 1,5 y.o.

And now, one of them wants to try ice-skating and the other one just wants to see some snow. I wonder if snowy winters will soon become an exotic memory of the past.

But for now: yellow and low light, let’s stay present with all our senses.

40 replies on “Bricks and Yellow Light”

It makes sense but the fact that it is so discernable from week to week is the part that fascinates me. It is almost that you guys are more keenly in tune with the weather patterns and the changing of the seasons than we are.

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The purple plate isn’t mine, I had tea at a cute Vietnamese restaurant and the honey was in that adorable tiny pot, I just couldn’t resist taking a food pic! 😀 No furnace here, we’re waiting for our central heating to be turned on automatically – today was almost 20C though, a rare treat!

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“One day felt especially much like spring: I kept having the feeling that warmth was just around the corner, though in fact it’s already tiptoed out the back door.”

I can’t really explain it but that sentence struck me like a nice painting or photo would.

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It’s the same awful story everywhere for travel and tourism. Let’s hope it recovers before they all go out of business. It’s suddenly gone very chilly here but the autumn tints haven’t begun yet. I have a love hate relationship with autumn. I miss the summer but love crisp sunny days and the autumnal shades. Our garden has some very big old trees and I detest all the back breaking raking up. The leaves seem to get everywhere and even though we have a leaf blower it doesn’t help that much.

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Same here, autumn is a bittersweet season for me, since I love summer and detest winter, which over here is soooooo long that it seems neverending. Luckily I live in an apartment building so no raking for me! Hope you get to see some colours soon, too! Stay well!

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The only time I’ve been in Helsinki was an autumn day like in your photos…. blue sky, cold, sunny and all the trees had impressive colors. I loved Helsinki (not so much the freezing cold we had on the boat back to Stockholm… We saw the most impressive and freezing sunset ever!! Hehehe). Your photos brought me beautiful memories of those days, Snow!!
I hope your little ones see lots of snowy winters, starting with this one!! And, well, two days ago it was snowing here in the Swiss mountains, just above 1000m above the sea level… how awesome is that? I mean, we’re still in September and trees haven’t even started to get golden or lost their leaves yet!!! I have the feeling this winter is going to be harsher than last year, with more snow… (finger crossed!!!)

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Yikes, snow in September?! Have you been on a photo walk there yet? My little ones would be thrilled but I prefer autumn to winter and otherwise wouldn’t mind winters without snow, except that it worries me, as a sign of climate change… but for all the kids out there, let’s hope for snow! 👍 Take care!!!


Yes! Well, I think last year it snowed even earlier… but it’s only high in the mountains and it normally melts fast. I didn’t went to see it (even if I was looking forward to it) because I’m still feeling a bit weird (and I don’t think my winter clothes fit my growing belly anymore, hahha)… But I’m definitely going to the mountains to see the autumn colors as soon as the rain decides to leave us for a weekend! 🙂
I know winters and snow can be harsh up there in the north… But looking how weather is changing everywhere and how strange winters have been lately, I really hope your kids get the chance to enjoy a few white winters, even if it’s only for a few days every year (maybe something like what we have here in Switzerland? In the low lands winter are cold but snow is a rare and celebrated sight!! 🙂 )

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Time flies and its October already! Pumpkins and changing colors f Foliage,just like your Yellow and bricks, it starting to feel more mellow over here as well.I guess it´s time for us to get a giant pumpkin as well..
Thank you for the photo tour once again, it is always a pleasure.

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Well those two depend on whether you’re speaking Swedish or Finnish, they each have their own way 😊 In Swedish, o is like ”ou” in French, but in Finnish it’s like ”au”. Confused? 🤔Ä in Swedish is like é (well done!) but in Finnish ä is different, and I can’t think of an equivalent… it’s like the ”a” in the English word ”bad” but longer. Like it was ”baaad” 😆


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