Photo Challenge Photography

Friendly Friday: Posing

In my town, one sure sign of spring is the appearance of interesting, colorful cars. Cars with charisma.

Somehow they always manage to look like they are posing. Placed in some special spot intentionally, with care. These cars are calling out, “Look at me!”

Which brings me to the prompt for this week’s Friendly Friday photo challenge – the prompt is Posing.

Take the idea wherever you want: it could be your pet that’s posing, a person, a toy… anything! In my case, it just happens to be cars. I keep seeing those car posers everywhere!

Please join in! You can do so by linking your post to this one and also adding its link to this post’s comment section. Then, have a friendly chat with other participants – that’s why it’s called Friendly Friday!

Can’t wait to see your responses – have a great weekend!

Created with Adobe Spark

84 replies on “Friendly Friday: Posing”

It is strange how a sight of a beautiful car can brighten a day for me… they too are pieces of art, and in springtime I like seeing the rag tops (convertibles) out on display and flying around with the wind.

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Yes, we loved that challenge too and miss it. Many of the same bloggers participate in our challenge, another good one is the Lens Artists’ challenge. Anyway, Amanda and I post a new theme each week. She is in Australia so we are in different time zones but it doesn’t matter – the challenge is open all week, not just on the publishing day Friday. 😊

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