
Things I Should Be Doing Instead Of What I’m Doing

This post was hanging around in my drafts for weeks, titled Things I Should Be Doing Instead Of Blogging, but now I’m thinking I should’ve changed the name to Things I Should Be Doing Instead Of Enjoying Sunny Walks. I haven’t been blogging for almost two weeks because – you guessed it! – it’s been sunny here.

Sunny weather – ah, what a treat!

But what about my ever-growing to-do lists? Will they ever stop? How can I tell the laundry pile to take a break because it’s sunny now?! What will we wear if all our clothes are in the laundry bin? Should we walk around in clothes stained with baby food? What will people say!

I actually did that one day last week, unwittingly. It wasn’t until the evening when I had the time to really take a look at myself properly in the mirror, and I noticed a nice little bit of puree on my shoulder, clearly visible against the black fabric. To think that I’d even sold a bagful of old baby clothes to a nice lady I didn’t know, with puree on my dress! Yikes. The old me would be embarrassed. (The current me has too short an attention span for embarrassment. I forget about it in an instant and move on. Now what was I saying again?)

I have a gnawing feeling I’ll never have time to finish all my lists. I have urgent ones, long-term ones, travel dream lists, grocery shopping lists, wish lists and fun lists. I have to finish the urgent ones first, before I can move onto the fun ones. That’s why I’m currently without an editing method for my photos. My iPad broke and the free editing app I’d been using for years is now unavailable to me. I can’t remember its name. I want to buy PhotoShop/Lightroom but there’s no point in paying for it if I don’t have time to use it. I want to create fantasy-like images from my photos, a dreamland. I have ideas. But I have no time for them now.

Sunny days and to-do lists do not mix well. Though “get some fresh air” has been on my list all winter, I never expected to get fresh air this often, so many days in a row! Things that I have managed to nail down, despite the sudden summer, include but are not limited to:

❦ Visited a few nearby daycare centers and finally applied. I’m not going back to work just yet but the applications need to be sent 4 months in advance, latest

❦ Shopped all sorts of new clothes for the twins – new weather brings new needs

❦ Tried to introduce the babies – toddlers actually – to food with more lumps and fruit/veggies they can eat by themselves (finger food) but it didn’t quite go as planned…

❦ Tidied up our balcony – now it’s a nice and cozy place to enjoy the early summer, flowers and all! Only no one has time to sit there. But in theory!

Things I should also be doing:

❦ Look up some high quality second hand stores where I can buy baby clothes inexpensively. (This type of recycling is very popular over here, and it’s no wonder: clothing a growing child for winter can make you bankrupt pretty fast.) People say most of these stores are on Facebook, so I need to reconsider signing up, despite my strong aversion

❦ Do a twin photo shoot! Last summer when the boys were born, we received free framing as a gift… only the photo is missing. Have you guys ever tried to take a photo of two wriggling toddlers?? Holy cow, is it difficult! I have thousands of photos of them, but not a single pro-looking one! We’ll probably end up doing a collage. But then there’s the next problem: how to choose just a few pictures from thousands?!

❦ Lose the baby weight! Despite the extreme efforts of my two personal trainers, aged 11 months, I still need to exercise more. But when in the world will I ever have the time and energy for that? After the twins go to sleep in the evening, I have a good 14 hours of baby-minding behind me and I’m exhausted at that point. Do I really need to force myself to become alert and active when my body just wants rest? Come on people, I’m almost 40!

My in-house personal trainers, very fit and nimble themselves, really have tried to activate me though, I’ll give them that!

Throwing everything I give them on the floor – Mommy, do some squats now!
Carrying the boys around – 10 kg kettlebell training using your core muscles!
Rocking the boys to sleep 3 times a day per baby – Equals 6 series of bicep training while swinging hips!
Trying to have a snack – Mommy, stop eating! they cry
Trying to sit down – Don’t take a break mom, keep on going! You can do it! they cry again

Hopping on to another list, some toddler truths I’ve recently learned:

❦ Little boys are meant to be dirty. Their least favorite thing is when mommy wipes their face clean from puree and milk!

❦ Baby clothes that need to be washed separately at 30°C are quite useless. As are teether toys that can’t be cleansed before and during use! And clothes with a million snap buttons! Who designs these things?

❦ The best toy is whatever toy your brother happens to be holding. Also, the best pacifier is the one in your brother’s mouth – might as well swap! Extra tip: your brother’s socks taste pretty good, too!

How have you been? And, out of curiosity, have you ever managed to completely finish a to-do list? I find I always have something sketchy hanging around there at the bottom, something I know I’m never going to do even as I write it. Forever the optimist!

77 replies on “Things I Should Be Doing Instead Of What I’m Doing”

Lol. In every house(hold) there are things that need to be done but will never happen. This is a law. I need to paint a tiny bit of staircase I forgot to paint when I moved into my house. It is winking at me every day and I am absolutely positive I will never get to paint it. The next owner of the place will, no doubt, and with equal no doubt I will forget to paint something in my next house. 🙂

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Aah, those are the worst ones, the “nagging to-do’s” that keep reminding you! 😉 As for my lists, I’m the type of person who likes to finish what I start, so it bugs me that I never will! 😂
Thanks for reading, Peter! Hope you’re still enjoying some sunshine over there in Holland!

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Oh my goodness – I need a nap after reading this! You’re amazing. The sunshine-enjoying is far more important for your Soul than a little puree hick-up on the shoulder. I’m on my third FREE photo processing spot: Been great the last 2 years. I advise tossing the lists and starting fresh…when winter comes again 🙂

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Tossing the lists..??! Wow, now there’s an idea that never occurred to me! That would be madness though, wouldn’t it? 😂 Seriously though, maybe that’s a good idea. And thanks for the tip, will check out pixlr!


I had a good laugh reading this because I can totally relate! my boy hates when I wipe him after he eats, I have lists and lists of things to do and haven’t crossed much off. I got a lot of baby clothes from friends and I’m passing along what my boy has grown out too. we returned yesterday from our San Marino trip but when will I blog about it..

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I know what you mean! Phew! But, it’s a phase, right?! Hope you had fun in San Marino with the little one? I went there once, back in 2003, nice views downward if I remember right! Anyway, we won’t be doing any traveling with our babes just yet, even moving around Helsinki has been a struggle until now (without snow, ice and winter clothes it is actually feasible!). Next summer, though… they’ll be 2 and they’ll be able to stand for a bit by themselves, which helps. 😁💕


We had a great time. V. was rather good but I was so tired. Beautiful views yes and gorgeous stone fortresses and walls:) and it’s so tiny so we were never far from the hotel for feeding and changing the nappies which was very convenient

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Slovenians would say Dajmo, mami! Which is a cheer for moms. Almost one year and your own threshold! 😉 Party month coming up.

I know what I’d be doing since I did the same with dog: Train them to let you have a breather. Mommy time! It’s crucial! Dog started to obey after year 5, I have a hunch with humans it’s sooner. Yuhuuu!

Anyway, I’m certain good weather has priority over everything. Who needs clothes! If it’s sunny, you can also go naked… 😉

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I have things on my list that I know have been there more than a year, possibly two. Ah well. As for photo editing, I use Photoshop Elements, which is pretty cheap and does all I need it to do, but next time I have to upgrade, I’d probably try Gimp, which is free. Enjoy the sunshine.

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Oh, those golden oldies on our to-do lists… they deserve some respect for hanging in there…! 😝I have some too. Don’t know why I don’t just give up on them, I guess I’m stubborn!
As for Gimp, yes I’ve heard of it and have been considering it too. But I’m intrigued by the real thing and would like to at least try PS/LR for a bit. I’ve used PS a few times and I know learning it will take a lot of time, but I’m thinking maybe it’ll help in my professional life… lots of fusions going on around here and the more skills you have the better!


As for Gimp, yes I’ve heard of it and have been considering it too. But I’m intrigued by the real thing […]

Apart from the rather off-putting name, what is it about Gimp that’s not ‘real’? /puzzled
Disclaimer: I’ve never used it myself but I’ve heard good things about it.
I’ve used Paint Shop Pro (version 6) for years, and it does what I need it to.

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I feel tired. Those baby/toddler days were killers! Good news: the physical demands are lightened eventually. The bad: the mental strain increases! I still have soooo many days when I don’t complete the to-do list, like today in fact, when everything seemed to blow up from the minute I got up. Hang in there, and move the less urgent chores down the list and enjoy the sun and warmth!

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Thanks for the encouragement, as always, Lexi! 🙂 I wonder how it will be when I go back to work (still 5 months to go until that)… will it feel easier or harder? Anyway, I’m enjoying these days with my boys 100 % and the sun gives me more energy. (Though my Nespresso machine is still in popular demand!) Hope your day finishes off better than it started!? ❤️

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Thanks, Marcus for reading and commenting! Sunny stroller walks are the biggest thing on my list right now – though actually we need to stay in the shade so my blond, blue-eyed boys don’t get burnt! 😀 Outdoors is so pretty right now with green leaves everywhere, grass and flowers! Enjoy your day!

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Hi Snow! I am sure you’re doing great as a mom! I’ve heard that for most mothers, it’s the most difficult yet the most rewarding thing raising children. I don’t have huge responsibilities yet, but I still never have time to finish my to-do lists. There’s always something that needs to be done, but for me usually, it’s been enjoying weeknights at gym, swimming pools or on the couch watching Netflix, and weekends on trips, shopping and cleaning, leaving me little time to do anything productive.. I can only imagine how much harder it is for people raising little children. Also it doesn’t help that I am actually quite lazy. We’ve been having great weather here too! Enjoy the sun (while it’s there )with your toddlers, the to-do lists will never be completely done anyway 😀

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Thanks Pooja! It looks like the lists will never be done, that’s for sure. I used to go to the gym, dance class, yoga… I’m sure the time for those will come again some day! 😊 Incredible the weather we’ve been having here all May!!! 🤗

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Sunshine goes before everything! We never know when it will stop, hehe. This makes it kind of desperate affair, but this year the summer lasts already for three weeks in a row, wow! I find myself more in the shade now, an old Ukrainian habit of summer :))
I love writing to-do lists but then I hate their silent reproach. I figure out that A and B priority get done, but the C is almost never. So I just have to admit, that yes, it was not so important, that’s it. And again, what about things like “being happy” and “enjoy sunshine” – should we put them on a list? So we can feel like we accomplish smth important. Bc it IS important, no? 🙂

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True, they are important! Also, fresh air is good for you! Just a matter of fitting everything else around the stroller walks and relearning a new daily baby schedule. 😄 You are smart to stay in the shade, your skin will thank you! My skin already had all sorts of permanent marks from too much sun…

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Sun and fresh air is life! Btw, I did my own weather report now – and it reminds me of you. I also have “I feel like myself” part :)) It just happened, maybe, inspired by you, or not. But I hope, you don’t mind 🙂
Oh, I have made so many sun mistakes, and burnt myself through my life. That now I just have up the ambition of being nicely tanned, and better be white. Though bit sun-kissed is nice. My face looks happier this way 🙂
Norwegian girls are brown on the first days of shorts. I wonder if they take solarium or travel to Thailand in winter. But they are more tanned before summer – then me in the end of it :)))

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Yes I know the type, the blonde who tans quickly and nicely! Not me, unfortunately! But sunkissed makes me look healthy and happy, like you said! I’ll hop over to read your post later tonight when the boys are sleeping. Any date for your moving to BCN btw??? 😋

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To do list and two toddlers?!? 😕
Mwahahahahahah… 😆
Ok, I’ll be serious, mission impossible 😛
But toddlers soon will become boys and ready for the nursery school = more time for to-do-lists!

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Sid, I believe you are right, mission impossible! At least for my more far-fetched lists. (The absolutely necessary ones still need to get done every day!) Photo editing will have to wait. The only problem is, what will I then do with my blog if I have no pictures ready?! Hmm. Time will tell! 😉

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I resonate with your thoughts. I used to keep a ‘to do list’ but I don’t do it know. I get stressed when the list is getting longer and longer. I do the necessary things and let the less important things wait. I’m no longer a perfectionist in the sense that I have to keep the house absolutely clean and tidy, at any time. With three children, it means constant work. I think I’m more relaxed, I let it go whenever possible. However, I understand that it’s a lot of work keeping two toddlers going, the feeling of being available all the time. Have a rest when it’s possible, you deserve it. The well-being of the mother is of great importance too 😊🌸

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Three children must create a lot of housework, I can imagine! I’ve been able to easily let go of the idea of cleaning the house , but basic things still need to be done to keep this household going. The kids need food, bottles, plates and spoons to serve it from, etc. With two toddlers, even just the basic things take pretty much all day. Even if I wanted to do something extra around the house, there wouldn’t be time! 😀 As for relaxing, I just booked myself a nice Indian head massage for next week, yay! Thanks Isabelle for your thoughts! Enjoy the sun and warmth – are you still having it in Oslo? We are!

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Yeah we still have plenty of sun 🌞🌞 For some people it might be too much, the air conditions are running out of stores I’ve heard. Not for me, of course I’m sweating too but mate, I cherish the hot weather so much. I’ve had enough snow and cold. The sun should stay as long as it possible could. I don’t mind. I love it 😁🏊‍♀️🌿

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I share your feelings, I cherish the warmth/hotness and it would take a lot for me to think negatively of it and complain!! But over here in Helsinki, it hasn’t actually been hot or even that warm: it’s sunny but it’s always windy. This town is by the sea and there aren’t many windless days a year. Usually the wind is cold, now it’s slightly warmer, only cool instead of cold 😀 But most locals (not me) are hanging out in bikinis, for them this is perfect – not too hot!

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To do lists are made to be broken. And please don’t kid yourself that things will change when your children leave the nest. I’ve been retired 10 years, and never finished a ‘to do’ list once. But who cares, really?

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Good job! You actually manage to write a to do list!!! When my daughter was a baby (and I just had ONE), I didn’t even have the energy to write to do lists!!! When she turned 3 months 1/2 and I had to go back to work, the only to do list I knew was : SLEEP! So well done you for at least trying!! But I’d wash everything together on 60° and hang it all in the sun and zero ironing to start with! And about “Look up some high quality second hand stores where I can buy baby clothes inexpensively”? Second hand shop is my number 1 hobby. Tell me the size I have to look for, and I’ll make you a package!

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Oh really??!! If it’s your hobby and you really like doing it, then I’m not even going to pretend to resist! 🤣🤣🤣 How very helpful of you, thank you dear for suggesting it!
The size is 92. Wind resistent pants and jackets for summer play outdoors (when the sunshine ends, as I guess it will at some point) are first on our list! When winter gets closer, dressing them is a form of art. Sooo much of this and that!
Oh and ironing is already at zero! The only time I tried to iron something recently was when I needed it dry asap! 😁
Wow, you really went back to work so early! I read a conversation online where Finns were judging moms who put their kids in daycare before the age of 3 (but what if you need to work financially??!) and I started feeling bad for my boys for going there at 16 months! Then again, it was your mom who took care of her, didn’t you say so? So at least she was with someone who genuinely cared!


Right, it is a hobby like… it is my favourite thing in the whole wide world ( and something I try to do when I’m abroad too!). Second-hand shopping is my favourite type of shopping!
Size 92 does not exist in France though!! 😦 For toddlers, it is usually in terms of years (ex 12 months, 18 months then 2 years old, 3, 4…etc). So what’s a 92? (pout smiley!)
About going back to work when my daughter was a baby, that’s the “legal” term of maternity leave in France. You may take more but you don’t get full benefit. I could actually afford to stay home but decided I was this modern feminist kind of mother whose professional life could not be put aside… Boy can you be stupid sometimes!!!

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Over here, you can get some small benefits until they are 3 but the amount is quite little and Helsinki is an expensive place to live. At the beginning you get a better benefit for a while, is it 9 months or something, for twins it’s a bit longer or you can divide it with the dad. Anyway, I guess 18 months or even two years… hard to say… French babies and sizes are probably smaller than ours in general, I’d guess!? If you find some nice websites that would already be a big help! There are some in Finland but I haven’t had time to really look at them. Also, everything seems to go really fast! And hey as for your hobby, Paris, your home town, must be one of the best places in the world for that stuff – fashion capital and all! Are you also into antique furniture?


I love this post! It’s so very much a type of thing that needs to be written now and again. Lists. Somehow listing them here or writing them down makes them less heavy!
Baby resale clothing is huge here, too. Ebay and Once-Upon-A-Child stores were the lifeblood for me.
Unless you have serious help, you’re lucky to have a moment to yourself. You’re always moving, which you know, cause when you sit down, you feel your back ping you! lol
At home with wee ones I did yoga on the floor with them. The big kids had no part of it, but eventually the wee ones stopped climbing on me and started mocking me 🙂 And of course, walk with double stroller, not for the lazy! lol — If you can do those things on top of momming, you’re killin it!
Again, I love this post. We all have lists 🙂

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Thanks, Joey! 😆I have absolutely no moments to myself unless the boys are asleep, yoga is still far in the future… but at least walks with the double stroller are more fun now that there’s no snow or ice and no winter gear needed 😂Most people here seem to sell their used baby clothes on Facebook, I haven’t really found more than a couple of actual websites that look interesting… of course I can always look into shopping online internationally, why not! If they deliver to this far end of the world, that is! But yes, I’m beginning to see that being a SAHM isn’t an easy job…! Respect to all the moms out there!

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Look up some high quality second hand stores where I can buy baby clothes inexpensively. […] People say most of these stores are on Facebook, so I need to reconsider signing up, despite my strong aversion

Have you tried

Ugh, don’t go to faecesbook. I deleted my account there a year ago, and have never regretted doing so.

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