
Helsinki In An Autumn Mood

Pictures from a walk around Helsinki almost exactly a year ago.

Right now, the city is preparing for autumn – the days getting shorter and chillier, leaves starting to fall. Soon, they’ll be red like in these photos…

The chill in the air tells you that summer is definitely over, but there are still beautifully crisp sunny days to enjoy, amongst the rainy ones.

Syyskuu is Finnish for September. Literally, it translates to “autumn month”, or rather “autumn moon”. It’s time for autumn now!

47 replies on “Helsinki In An Autumn Mood”

Oh, yes, beautiful images. ❤ Today it was fresh in the morning here too, for the first time in ages. Interesting to know about your September. I've just been putting together my last year's, will post soon. I hope you catch the last warmth.

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I love autumn too. There’s a certain exciting atmosphere, something in the air that feels like a fresh start. But I would happily swap it for warm summers since it’s pretty chilly here all year round. I miss being able to wear summer clothes and do summery things like swimming or reading a book outdoors. After autumn we’ll get another very long, harsh winter. But lets enjoy it while we can! Thanks for stopping by! 😊

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My pleasure. (Though I don’t stop by as often as I would like) I dug a bit deeply into your “bio” and now I understand. Both arriving “home” as a child and not really getting your bearings until after a while and the fact that you looking at a long, dark and harsh winter ahead. Indeed, enjoy the summer/fall while it lasts. Worse case scenario: you can always escape to a warmer destination for a week. From Europe there are quite affordable travel options. Take care.

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No. They make sense. You are not subject to such blunt force of “unleashed” weather, but, like I said, the dreariness of the European winters is a hard weight. For me it was the lack of light, get up in the morning with the night, arrive at the office, still night, and leave the office in the dark. Depressing.

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It seems strange to say, but our weather after Hurricane Harvey finally moved on is the most beautiful I’ve seen here in Houston. I feel almost guilty enjoying it so much when I have so many friends who are still either underwater (yes, parts of town are STILL submerged!) or digging out of their mess. We help when and where we can, but life has returned to near normal for many of us. Hope life is also starting to feel normal there with those new babies!

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