Life Nostalgia

A Girl and a Cat, Stintino, etc.

There was a girl and her cat. They shared a tiny flat. This was near Paris, just outside the city. We eventually lost touch, which was a real pity.

Paper bags drove Ylang-ylang, the cat, crazy. She would jump in them, run in them, have adventures in them, like the bags were endless at the seams.

Ylang-ylang drove my allergies crazy. Anytime I visited my friend, I couldn’t stop sneezing. That furry flat seemed as small as the paper bag seemed big.

The girl would tell me, Today, let’s go have Moroccan mint tea! And we’d sit in a cozy Parisian cafe, sipping tea that was way too sweet, but delightfully served from exquisite little tea glasses with golden decorations.

I loved the glasses and the golden table they stood on, more so than the tea itself. When I eventually left my job in Paris, I couldn’t bring the table to Finland with me, but I bought similar tea glasses with golden decorations and packed them in my suitcase.

I recently found them tucked away at the far end of the highest cupboard in my kitchen. Unemployed, or perhaps retired, the beautiful golden patterns still caught my eye. They were timeless, time-evading, or perhaps some sort of a time machine, in a way. But very real, like a concrete memory, winking bonjour at me when I opened the cupboard.

The cat probably isn’t a part of this world anymore, but I wonder about the girl. My momentary friend.

My old school class had a reunion a short while ago, and I didn’t go. But I got the invite, saw the email conversations back and forth, and, on reunion day, I received a text message. Are you coming?

It felt nice that someone thought of me, but it also made me wonder if they were checking up on me: Is she still alive? Are we still all here?

Isn’t that the next logical step from the inevitable what does she do nowadays? How does she look? Has her life been a success?

I briefly wondered what those 90’s kids of my memories would look like today, all grown up, but my curiosity wasn’t strong enough for me to go and gawk.

One of them was in the media a while ago, and I remember him as a 12-year-old with a beautifully tanned complexion. In the picture accompanying the article, however, he was pale as a ghost. He looked drained, even though he’d obviously done well for himself.

Utterly recognizable as the boy who was my classmate for so many years, he appeared to have been existing in some kind of parallel universe where people aged faster. Surely I don’t look as old as he does?

Moments age faster than we humans: as soon as you stop thinking of them, they cease to exist. Memories are memories only if you remember them.

The photos are from Alghero and its shores, as well as the amazing La Pelosa beach in Stintino, Sardinia, May 2024. I was going back in time, my travel buddy said when talking about a flight over time zones. I loved the casual drama in those words!

45 replies on “A Girl and a Cat, Stintino, etc.”

Sometimes our experiences feel like from a lifetime ago – don’t they? Your musings made me think of some of my momentary friends from a while back…Beautiful scenes from Sardinia 🙂…

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What lovely pictures! Many of the kids I graduated from high school took surprising paths (at least for me). A girl who was the class clown became a highly regarded judge. Another kind of silly girl because an eye surgeon. I liked seeing them again but the others – no I never went back for a second reunion! Good luck!

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I have some similar experiences – people who suddenly and surprisingly became successful, but many of them had help from their parents’ networks. In a small country, that’s how it works. It also makes me look at large companies’ CEOs in a new light: was he a party boy in his youth? Was she one of the mean girls? Maybe their teachers never thought they’d succeed – or maybe it was always obvious they would 🧐


There is something contradictory in the reflective, almost melancholic words and the bright, sunny, advertisement-like happyness of the pictures. Funny enough it enhances both. Going back in time. Indeed! A thougthful post, Snow, that somehow makes me a bit wistful myself.

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Couldn’t find her by googling but she could have gotten married and changed her last name 🤷🏼‍♀️ I didn’t really keep in touch with any of my old-life acquaintances because it all happened on social media and it was never my thing.

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Years ago, I got an invite to the 500 year anniversary of my high school. Like you, I had a mild curiosity, but I didn’t go as I was living in the U.S. by then. Here though, people seem to be very keen on attending school reunions, though I’m sure the motives for doing so vary quite a bit.

You’re right about memories. One of my old high school friends got in touch with me feeling guilty about something that happened the last time we met. I had zero recollection of what he was talking about!

I want to go to Stintino, if only to sample the lovely beverages you’ve photographed!

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The beverages really were lovely and one week wasn’t enough to sample them all! Have you tried all the Hawaiian ones? Usually we skip the ones we see every day.
I first read ”500 year reunion” and thought, wow, you’re still very youthful for a 500-year-old! Then I re-read the sentence!

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Wow, what a pretty beach, and memories made. I’m always sorry for everyone who doesn’t go to a reunion, just because I was so astonished over so many things at the last one I went to: the least likely girl, who went from marketing into a beauty parlor, is the prettiest of them all, the one who works in Dubai misses old Yugoslav cars and Croatian sea the most, two were new first-time moms at age 44 (one of whom adopted the child for a LOT of money), and on the personal note, I gave some life lessons to the first love of my life, because he was the first Cancer man and later I knew many. He asked me why I was moving to Italy and why so many women tend to do so, and I said that Italians know how to love. He said: “But what if I was never taught how to do that?” I told him: “Find someone who will.” (Sorry for the long-ass comment. You can tell that I don’t blog any more. :D)

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I love the first two sentences! They would be a wonderful prelude to a (children’s?) story or a poem. Sometimes words just go together perfectly, no matter how simple the context.

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Great that you noticed! The first paragraph was kind of meant as a poem and I quite like the childlike cheerfulness of rhymes. I meant to do it at the end, too, but then it didn’t really fit. And also I thought that most people wouldn’t notice anyway! 🤩

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Sardinia looks good. Lots of light and sun. The right cure for everything…

Keeping in touch? Has its ups and downs. My old Lycée in Addis-Abeba, Ethiopia has maintained a mail link of news. Given our age, it’s mostly who’s died… Not too nice. But it’s fun to see the news. For most Ethiopians the Lycée was like their “Harvard”. Many went to study in France or the US. Had good careers. UN, NASA. The current president of Ethiopia is an ex-alumna. I only keep in whatsapp touch with a couple of classmates. I don’t really believe in “keeping up with our lost youth.” LOL.

Miss Ylang-Ylang was the evil character in Bob Morane, a series of books by a Belgian author that I liked very much when I was a kid. Perfect name for a cat.

Hope all is well with you. Boys growing up ok? Job not too tedious? P*t*n kept at bay? I hope my latest post did not “shock” you. I just couldn’t help writing when I heard that song by Leonard Cohen. I had heard it before…

Bonne semaine Lumi.

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Well your post certainly caught my eye! I hope it never happens, though for some people it has already happened. And here we are, continuing life. And letting the madmen run loose.
A week in Sardinia was just what I needed 😎
Thanks, Brian for stopping by, and how are you anyway? Here, all pretty ok, despite the economic depression, people getting laid off here and there.

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Indeed, 🤞🏻. And indeed it has already happened to some and the madmen are loose.
We’re fine thank you. Despite our “illustrious” president who decided to dissolve parliament opening a boulevard for the far right or the far left…🙄
Your job is relatively safe I hope?

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Yeah, I can well imagine a dire situation in Agencies. The entire industry has changed so much. Now, there are community managers, influencers… What have you.
Keep up the spirit, it’s the only thing that counts…🤞🏻

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Sardinia is beautiful! When I saw the last picture however, I thought it was Australia hahaha.
I also look back at travel friends made, life takes over and paths diverge never to have a conversation again. I don’t think I’d be attending any future school reunions any time soon for all the questions you listed- I don’t care enough.
I hope you’ve used your tea cups recently!

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It could have been Australia – I even saw eucalyptus trees!
Still haven’t used those tea glasses, mainly because they’d need (hand) washing after 15 years gathering dust! And I’m obviously feeling lazy about that.
As for old travel acquaintainces and friends, luckily a few have stuck, and those friends are true gems! 🥰 But wouldn’t it be interesting if all our friendships had just continued, none of them ever breaking off? Such a network it would be!

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It felt nice that someone thought of me, but it also made me wonder if they were checking up on me: Is she still alive? Are we still all here?

I read what you wrote and immediately started nodding my head in agreement. I felt the exact same way when it was a reunion year for me. At first I thought “how nice to be remembered” but then realized the contact might have been more of a way to keep track of who is still alive, than a sweet hello to me. 🫤

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I just got together with a friend I haven’t seen in 36 years. Now that I’m writing this, it sounds so much😀 but that day we felt like those little girls from high school caring for each other. Not sure if I can handle a big reunion, which I actually kind of avoided this summer😏

Best wishes!!

p.s. the beach is amazing❤️

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The first part of your story is like reading the opening of a children’s storybook, and then skilfully the story manouevred into memories and then, a delightful photo selection of Sardinia. The beverage glass with strawberry is screaming at me  to have a sip right now! I feel the same sentiment about reunions. I don’t find them enjoyable and avoid them. Best in a small group. It’s nice to see everyone again, but it does feel like a lot of comparison is going on, haha. 😀

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Thank you! The iced coffee with a strawberry was my friend’s drink while I ordered a Crodino. After seeing hers, though, I wanted one too, but didn’t get the chance – we were always so busy! Ironically, the coffee selection at breakfast, just a few meters away from the pool bar where they made this, was very unadventurous. First world problems!

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