
Diving Into Green

This view makes me think of jungle stories I read as a child. I would imagine myself there, barefoot in the brush, amongst the tall trees and the sounds of colorful birds calling each other. In my childhood reverie, I’d be friends with the animals, and swing on lianas like a girly Tarzan. I’d never get cold or hungry and I wouldn’t need much to get by. Freedom was in my veins, and I’d let it take over.

…But what if we all have a collective memory and this wasn’t just a story I read?

17 replies on “Diving Into Green”

Ah, you really picked the most fitting word for this image. So lush! It kind of makes me wish I really could swing right into this on a liana, be embraced by all that dreamy light and soft greens. And those childhood vivid imaginations–I remember suddenly a dream I had once, sitting on a swing with my cousin under a bright starry sky. We swung higher and higher and it felt like if we jumped we could have reached the Milky Way. Lovely post, Snow! ❤

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