
Jumping Into the Water

A summer day in Cinque Terre

Last summer (2016): Cinque Terre, Italy

Lemons, limoncello, sea food so fresh it’s almost still kicking on your plate. Local boys jumping off small cliffs into the blue sea. Colorful houses and huge parasols. Laundry hanging from windows. The weather: scorching hot. Tanned, fit-looking people strolling around in sports tops and running shorts. Tourists taking photos and eating ice cream in the shade. Children playing on the beach and running around streets with their parents, wearing just their swimsuits. Looked like happy times.

There’s definitely something magical about summer…

46 replies on “Jumping Into the Water”

Oh, I’m so happy I could transport you!! 😊 I always get dreamy and nostalgic about summer days… like you said in your post, I can’t wait for it to be here again! Even though the same moments will never happen again….but there will be new ones.


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